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Friday, February 4, 2011

Week One: Return from Zombie Status

This week has been good. I have really watched my calorie intake, I have stayed on my training plan for my 5K, and I have held myself accountable when I go over my calories for the day. I have lost around 7 pounds +/-.

What am I doing? Yoga three times a week- strenuous vinyasa classes- not meditating-relaxation classes. Running 2 miles 2-3 days a week.

Staying hydrated best I can.

When I get hit with a craving- I sit with it for a minute. Look at it, examine where it came from or why it's there. I look around in my head or heart and see if I can find the underlying reason for it. It's working pretty well.

Last night, I came home really tired, but early enough to make dinner. I wanted nachos. We had leftover chicken we needed to use- so I deboned the chicken and made queso. I ate too much of it. I was not happy about that. Then come midnight I was up reading and I was suddenly ravenous. I ate some Special K cereal.

When I sit back and look at the evening- I wonder how I could have done things differently. I wanted the nacho goodness. I could have taken it easier on the queso. I could have eaten at the table instead of standing in the kitchen with everyone. I could have stopped when I realized I was overly full. I could have chosen to take a walk after said heavy-meal. Or I could have set an alarm when I was got home and had a little nap so I didn't feel so drained when eating time came.

Just examining everything helps me to maybe change my behaviors for the next time I encounter these challenges.

Tonight we are going to Benaroya to see the Scottish Arts Festival at 730- so there will be no relaxing until 9 at the earliest tonight. I am feeling stressed about this. Don't really want to go. I also took my "rest" day from training last night, so I have to workout when we get home. But the ticket has already been purchased so I sort of have to. I don't get out of here till 5:30 and its 2 now. So I have a way to go. I feel like I want an escape. I want to escape into the chocolates over on that desk. But I want to make a sane decision about this. Looking over my calorie intake for the day, I should go get a nice latte. Take a stroll. Get away from my desk and my machine.


See? It does work.


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