In this past year I have run a 10K, gotten a tummy tuck, moved in with my boyfriend, bought a new car, paid off my student loans, bought a house with my boyfriend, run a 5K, and gained 20 lbs over the summer. It's been interesting.
I ran the Lake Union 10K August of 09. I got my tummy tuck in November of 09. It took a LOT out of me. I didn't realize what major surgery could do to a body. I am STILL recovering. My body looks great now and I am no longer ashamed of it. It's really freeing. After my surgery, I spent several weeks at boyfriend's house recouping and we decided moving in would be a good next step since I was spending all my time there anyway. So I moved. Spent christmas there, bought a new car in April a new Mini Cooper that I adore (it has ZEBRA STRIPES! YAY!) Then Cory and I started looking at houses and ran across one in mid May. It was a quick decision and we had a house come July. It's beautiful here and my commute is really easy. We are still getting settled in... stuff everywhere. A few weeks ago I ran another 5K after having not trained well... and I did okay... 34.31 minutes... but not great. I am again in training for my next 5K come November. In the meantime, I am also planning a monster bash for our Housewarming Halloween Party. Need to get invitations done and out to all my people.
As far as my weight loss progress goes, well I went backwards. I was too full for a long time too long and had been doing maladaptive eating for months (liquid calories were my mainstay- THERE IS A REASON YOU NEED TO AVOID LIQUID CALORIES!!). I gained 20 lbs before I realized it and now I am slowly whittling myself back down to where I was. I need to lose the 20 just to get back to where I was when I had surgery. I need to lose an additional 20 to get to my GOAL weight. The one prescribed by the doctors. I have decided that I am doing it now. No more distractions, excuses, etc. I have all the knowledge and tools I need to get to that goal. Something tells me that my body will not want to STAY at this supposed "optimum" goal weight, but I will get there and see how my body reacts. All I know is that I cannot revert to old patterns to cope with my stress if I want to stay thin and healthy. And I need to do it before I hit 35 otherwise, it gets more and more difficult to do.
I talk about it like it's a destination when it's a journey. It's a thing I will battle my whole life. Actually I don't like the way that sounds. I am not battling. I don't want to battle. This lifestyle change is something that I want to dedicate myself to for my whole life... because I am happier, more healthy, more inspired, and my most authentic self when I take care of my body. I can feel it in my aching tendons and muscles and my tired bones! (LOL-tonight was a yoga class followed by 2.5 miles of running)
I'll get to my next chapter. I am worth the effort.